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A letter from DAK, after an Israeli attack

Dear friends of Dar al-Kalima University,

In a new incidence of aggression, Israeli occupation forces continued to target Palestinian civilian lives with deliberate attempts to cause notable damage and to continue spreading fear and panic among individuals.

On 16th September 2024, Israeli occupation forces raided the southern part of Bethlehem, as part of its continued miliary attacks on all means of Palestinian lives. Few Palestinian youth, from the nearby “Dheisheh” refugee camp were captured, detained and humiliated by Israeli soldiers, who were stationed close to Palestinian education and cultural institutions. Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers were also engaged in firing “randomly” at those buildings cultural and educational institutes.

In this particular violent attack, Dar Al-Kalima University was subjected to an intense period throughout the day, as those gunshots, fired by Israeli troops, targeted its newly under construction Glass Dom restaurant and its CC-TV cameras, which were recording the assault. This attack, with all the noise generated by the fired bullets has caused severe panic among students and staff during their daily routine of activities and lectures at campus.

Luckly, there were no reported physical injuries, although workers were on site, finishing the installation of the Glass sheets, galvanizing the dom. If the targeted glass sheet was not installed, the bullets could have injured or killed any member of the workers and staff, who happen to be there at the time of the attack.

The Glass Dom restaurant was designed to host educational and training programs and workshops in culinary art, as well as to serve the local community as a leading restaurant run by the university, expressing its unique and distinguished image as an academic and cultural institute, aiming at implementing the theoretical and practical courses in a professional outcome, that could benefit in reinforcing the means of cultural resilience and contribute to enhance the concept and practice of cultural tourism in Palestine.

The Israeli attacks on Palestinian cultural and educational institutions is continued to be part of the ongoing offences, which have never been properly investigated or internationally reported or even halted throughout the years of occupation. This aggression cannot be seen in vacuum from all forms of genocidal crimes, and colonial aggression aiming at eradicating the Palestinian presence, heritage, and identity.

Dar al-Kalima University, as the leading academic and cultural institute in Palestine, specialized in cultural and art education, is continuing its mission in promoting Palestinian culture and in educating future leaders in art, despite of all the attacks and intimidations caused by the occupation policies.

